Cafe Poets

Break away from your everyday life and immerse your senses in the splendor of poetry.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

The word...

From the most beautiful day of our world
There is a reminisce within me
Mist of dawn was still and is still with me
The jewel of moonlight was holding onto the hair of night
And the jasmine flower
Spread life into the air flight
My journey was to meet the dawn
And my breath had blended
With the fragrance of the jasmine flowers
I was flying and singing with a lofty joy
I was whispering, with my silence
Gazing at the most beautiful day of our world
I must write the most beautiful of all words
The sky, the jasmine flower,
The dawn mist, the moonlight, and the breeze
Have poured the soul onto body of life
Have aroused your love within me
You my only, write the word of my life
All the doors of liberty are shut
To the words into the breeze, open your window into your house
I was searching for the most beautiful poem of the world
On the horizon, behind the curtain of light
The garden of roses
Spreading branches in to kindness
Have brought blooms on to a dance
In the moments of the breath of early mist
The flowers expand
The flowers open
The rose gardens
The rose gardens
And one lonely red rose, raises of the heart of water
How beautiful your smile
In the sweet moment of openness
Of the sun
Bestows brightness onto the world
How magnificent
All worlds has risen to stare
I was searching for the most beautiful poem of the world
Two pigeons at peak
Were flying wing tangled in wing
Two pine trees in the garden
Have laid head and whispering in to ode of nature
The sea gull, with her mate, of far away beaches
Are flying onto the gate of lights
The green grass of memories
Within the deepest heart beat
Is nurturing a blooms
Is bringing a gift
And its leaves are opened slowly
The leaves have opened
I found the point of my poem
With brightness of the sun
With the tenderness of your smile
I wove it with kindness and love
Softer than the fabric of jasmine flower and dawn mist
And “I love you” is the finest poem of whole world
I have found the most wonderful word of whole life
This is my rose bud
Fill you skirt of these roses to give them away
To your friends
The secret of happiness is the spearing of the aroma
I swear by God, it will nurture the hearts
It will spread the light
It will give the soul
And… you my dearest… repeat the word
This most beautiful word of the whole world
Not once, ten times or one hundred times or more
Ask me the word of “Do you love me?”
I will tell million times the word of “I Love You”

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